"These people say, the time has not come for the house of the Lord to be rebuilt." The word of the Lord came through Haggai the prophet: "Is it a time for you yourselves to live in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins?" Haggai 1:2-4
Do you know this story? The people of Isreal were busy building beautiful houses and buildings for their city while the temple was run down and unfinished and forgotten...I encourage you to read it because I think it has a secret messege in there for all of us....
My husband and I are working on a house, it's a trailor that was given to us. It is a MESS. Floors are gone, walls are falling..just a mess. My husband gets up every morning, has his quiet time and then heads over to the house to work, we have to be done by December to move in, well at least livable by December. We are building our house BUT did you catch that? He has his quiet time FIRST, before he does anything else, he meets with God.
Timing is everything. We may be building a house right now (or fixing it up from the ground up) but first my husband is building the Lord's temple...himself.
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
whom you have received from God? You are not your own" 1 Corinthians 6:19
Giving our best to God doesn't mean do more do more do more and do it fast...no it means stopping and giving just a few minutes of your precious time to show Him that you still put Him above everything. I understand if you can't read in the early morning, believe me I understand...and honestly I don't know that it matters what time you spend time with God just that you do.
Have you been feeling overwhelmed? Depressed? Irritated? Have you been feeling an intense longing that can't be filled? God's telling you that right now it's time for you to start rebuilding His temple - your Spirit instead of trying to add more service to your plate, just stop and take some time to get into the word and to pray.
Yes I think that is truly what giving our best to God means.
I think I'm going to go read a few paragraphs in my own Bible now.

ReplyDeleteI've lived that...timing is everything! Yes...but it is His timing that makes everything worth it!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post!