If two lie done together keep warm,
but how can one be warm alone?
Ecclesiastes 4:11
God created man and woman to be together. Our bodies are made for each other. Our natures and temperaments provide balance, enabling us to more effectively complete the tasks at hand. Our oneness can produce children, and our teamwork can best raise them to health and maturity. Where one is weak the other is strong. When one needs building up, the other is equipped to enhance and encourage. We multiply one another's joys and divide one another's sorrow. We are meant for each other. Husband and wife need each other. Period.
Two are better than one because they have a good return for the labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another person to life him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Husband and wife compliment each other. While you may hate killing the spiders, he feels like the strong provider doing that. While he may not know how to do more than throw a sandwich together, you are a wiz in the kitchen. You may not be good with money, he has a strong sense of finances. There are so many other circumstances where husband and wife compliment each other. We are different.
Today's Dare:
Recognize that your spouse is integral to your future success Let him know today that you desire to include him in your upcoming decisions, and that you need his perspective and counsel. If you have ignored his input in the past, admit your oversight and ask him to forgive you.
Sweet Blessings~

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