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Mandy is unable to post today and asked if I would post for her. I decided to share with you what I have on my own blog today because it is ideas for family time! Mandy will be back next week with the Resolution for Women so be sure to join her then.
Yesterday on my personal blog, we talked about giving our kids our time. Everything in life can wait. But this moment with our children will be gone in a flash. Today I want to give you some ideas of things to do. This are simply things that my family loves to do together.
1. Go for a walk. While you are out you can talk about God's creation or collect nature items (leaves, acorns, etc).
2. Go for a bike ride. My oldest son loves when he and I go for a bike ride. Now, I can only make it around the block once and I am panting at that, but he has a fun time. (And seriously, why are those seats so small!?)
3. Have a basketball goal outside? Shoot hoops!
4. Create an obstacle course using items around the house and race through it.
5. Sit outside under the tree with a snack and read books.
2. Go for a bike ride. My oldest son loves when he and I go for a bike ride. Now, I can only make it around the block once and I am panting at that, but he has a fun time. (And seriously, why are those seats so small!?)
3. Have a basketball goal outside? Shoot hoops!
4. Create an obstacle course using items around the house and race through it.
5. Sit outside under the tree with a snack and read books.
6. Have a princess? Have a tea party! My eleven year old daughter loves to have tea parties and even more fun is when we bake treats for the party first.
7. Have a Wii bowling competition.
8. Put a puzzle together. Our family loves to do puzzles and we can spend hours sitting around the dining table putting one together.
9. Go to a farm or orchard and pick fruit.
10. Bake goodies together (actually let the kids help) then take them to a fire station.
11. Go to a tennis court and play! We love tennis but not a one of us is any good. Yet it is fun to chase the ball around and laugh. (If you don't have tennis rackets, check out garage sales)
12. Do you and/or your children play instruments? Have a "jam session" and sing praise songs.
13. If your children are younger, play with playdough together.
14. This activity may seem as it for younger kids but even my older kids love it! Make vanilla pudding together, put into separate bowls and add food coloring to each bowl. Once it is set, use the pudding to finger paint! Art that is "finger licking good!"
15. In Autumn, rake the leaves together and jump in! My hubby loves to impress the kids with his flips into the pile!
16. In winter, enjoy an hour playing in the snow then snuggle up for hot cocoa.
17. Go swimming! Right now it is too cold to swim outside, but check your area for an indoor pool. We have a community center where we can swim for only $2 a person. Play games with the kids in the pool.
18. Go to the park. It is always fun to play outside, but actually going somewhere is even better. At least my kids think so {smiles}. We love to hop in the car when daddy gets home from work and head up to the park and swing or play baseball. Nice way to spend time together and burn energy before dinner.
19. Look on Pinterest for a easy, seasonal craft to do together, then take it to a neighbor or senior at your church as a gift.
20. No matter how old my kids are, they love sidewalk chalk. Get a box and make notes to each other {or a welcome home daddy note} in the driveway. {This is also a good way to practice spelling words, etc}
What is your favorite activity to do with your kids?
Sweet Blessings~
Sweet Blessings~

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