"I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
As long as I've been a Christian this has been one of those "famous" verses. Everyone knows it. "God chose me, He appointed me..." Maybe you know it too. But let me ask you this, do you really know what it means? Lets break it down a little.
He chose you...Jesus says we did not choose Him, He chose us.
He set you apart...He picked you up before you were even in your mother's womb and said I have something special for this one...it may be hard for her to understand. It will cause her a little hurt, she will fight me on some things but in the end she's going to really see just how strong I am in her weakness, yes this one is going to be perfect for the job I need done.
He appointed you....You are the ONLY one who can do what God needs done.
He chose you, knowing full well your faults, your doubts, your irritations, your strengths, He chose you.
That's why you're here. In this position.
Facing that project.
Married to that man
Involved in that friendship.
Dealing with that issue.
Living in that neighborhood.
Spearheading that committee.
Participating in that activity.
Mothering those children.
Living this life. (excerpt from The Resolution for Women)
Has something happened this week, something that totally knocked you off your feet and you just can't see the rhyme or reason? My grandma found out she hand cancer this week. Supposedly the doctors aren't worried, supposedly they can go in and get it but honestly my whole world tilted when I found out. So many peope are dealing with just junk. The world is really throwing some curve balls latley and honestly I can't see God's plan, but that's the point. We don't need to see the plan, He's got it all under control but even though we don't need to know the whole plan we do need to realize that whereever we're at, what ever moment we're involved in we were appointed for this moment. For this reason. The "curveballs" you're experiencing, they DID NOT happen without God's consent. They DID NOT happen to throw you into a tailspin. Whatever you're dealing with, it's to bring Glory to God so today pray and ask God how can your experience bring Him glory. How can you help someone else in this same situation...
This is what living authentically means, ok you're facing something that wasn't in your plan but it was in God's and it is meant to bring Him glory and grow your faith so get out there sister, and start living for God now, in this moment, you are chosen..your number has been called, there is a light shining on your head, it's your time...what are you going to do?
Choose at least one of the following verses to study and memorize:
Ephesians 2:10 a declaration of your importance to God
Jeremiah 1:5 a confirmation of your selection by God
2 Corinthians 3:5 a verification of your suffiency in God
Consider the things you may have failed to do because you felt ill equipped or unworthy to participate. Choose one of them to begin doing this week.

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