Today I am thankful ...
226. ... for a much needed weekend away with my hubby!
227. ... for the unexpected blessing of a free meal.
228. ... for the opportunity to thank our service men and women for the sacrifices they make on a daily basis.
229. ... for the fun times spent watching our church men play softball.
230. ... for the excitement of being able to watch my grandsons play t-ball & baseball.
231. ... for the prayers of my family when we are traveling out of town on our motorcycle.

233. ... for the hectic schedule I am now keeping because I know that God is in it and will help me to accomplish all that needs to be done!
234. ... that my parents are willing to keep my furry babies when we go out of town.
235. ... for the beautiful countryside that I get to see from the back of our motorcycle when we are out of town.
Tell me, what are you thankful for today? I would love to hear from you. What a wonderful eye-opening opportunity it is to 'count down' my blessings. It helps me to really realize all the amazing things God blesses me with every day!
Have a great week.
Great list. Today I am thankful for a break in the heat and having friends come in from out of town.