I am thankful for:
11. Rain...even though I don't necessarily 'like' it, I am thankful for it because it causes the grass to grow and the trees and flowers to bloom.

13. My car...it may not be the car of my choice, but it is transportation!
14. My cell phone...now don't laugh...I think that we take for granted the 'luxury' of having a cell phone. It is a blessing to be able to be in contact with loved ones and friends on the go.
15. The opportunity to go out of town with my hubby.
16. My empty nest...even though I love my kids more than life...I enjoy having just me and him at home.
17. Ice Cream...there is one place in our town that has the best ice cream...I love that my hubby willingly takes me to get this yummy treat.
18. Parents willing to 'baby sit' by 4 legged babies while I get to go out of town with my hubby.

20. My 8 amazing grandbabies...Lylea (pronounced Lily), Jeremiah, Grace, Zachariah, Asya (pronounced Asia), Ben, Nick & Isaac! They are my world...my special gifts from God!
Ok, that'll do it for today. Check back next week to see more of the amazing things God has blessed me with. Are you making your own list with me? Let me know some of the things you are thankful for...I'd love to hear about them.
The winner of Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts is Lori Fairchild of Everyday Truth. Congrats! Please email Jenifer at metzgersix@gmail.com. I encourage all of you to check this book out. It will change your life.
Ever thankful,

Great list. I am thankful for mornings to sleep in after a very sleepless night.