Here are a few questions for you:
Does your husband like to have "guy time"?
Does your husband have Christian friends?
Do you dislike your husband having "guy time"?
Do you dislike your husband's friends?
It wasn't until the past few years that I felt the need for friends. I was perfectly happy to surround myself with my family. But God showed me that I needed to have other women in my life to pray with and be encouraged by. I have been blessed beyond belief with the Christian women God placed in my life.
Our husbands need the same. They need other Christian men in their lives. While men may not open up and share feelings in the same way women do, they still need Christian men to come along side of. They need to have one or two men that they can open up to, pray with, be encouraged by, bounce ideas off of, and relax with.

If your husband does not have Christian men in his life, pray for God to send a Christian man into his life. It may be that he can connect with someone at your church or maybe God will bring someone new into his life. Maybe he could join a men's Bible study or even start one. But pray for him and be willing to encourage him to grow that relationship.

The Word tells us that two are better than one (Ecc. 4:9) and that one man sharpens another (Prov. 27:17). God will honor your prayer and send your husband and good Christian man that can encourage your husband and be encouraged by him. This week I encourage you to spend time in prayer for your husband's relationships.
Sweet Blessings~

Thanks Jenifer. To spend time in prayer for your husband's relationships is a thing I can/will do!
ReplyDeleteThis is so true! I love my girl time! It's hard to come by, but I love it! I think I'll give my hubby a break sometime soon!
ReplyDeleteVery good post, Jenifer. I am so grateful that my husband's manager at work is a very close friend and a very Godly man, also. They are both ministers at our church. Our Pastor has also become a good friend to my husband. I love it when he is able to spend alone time with either one of these men, God is so good that He would bring these men into my husbands life.
ReplyDeleteHave a sweet day! Cindy
This is great encouragement, Jenifer. Just as we can't expect our husbands to meet all our needs, we can't fill all their needs either. We all need good friends in our lives to love, encourage, and support us.
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful post. I believe men need their time with a good Christian friend just as we do. Your posts are always so informative and I really enjoy them. Blessings to you and am glad you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteLove this Jenifer!:) You are right, friends are great for both men and women. To encourgage and come alongside when things get rough. To pray with when there is a need. Or to just be an example of Christ as we encourage and love on one another!:)