This Thankful Thursday I want to share with you how thankful I am for accountability partners. We've all heard that it's easier to diet when you have a friend dieting with you. That way you can encourage each other. And it's the same with's much easier to exercise when you have a partner. I know that one is right...Jenifer & I have been doing Zumba (try's fantastic fun and great exercise) for a while now and on days when she doesn't want to do it, I encourage her along as does she when I'm not in the mood.
Almost 2 years ago, during a Bible Study Group I was a part of, something was brought up about accountability. I've heard about having an accountability partner many times in my 30 odd years as a Christian. I've never really put a lot of effort into finding an accountability partner. After all, I have my friends whom I bounce stuff off all the time. Aren't they considered my accountability partners? Yes and no.
We [the Bible study girls - those that wanted to be a part] started a group called Morning Reflections. It's not a group where we get together or anything. It is simply a little 'email' group. One of the best things aboutan 'email group' is that it only takes a few minutes of time to compose an email. After our individual 'quiet time' with the Lord each morning, we simply email the other ladies in the group with the passage of Scripture we read for the day and just a sentence or two telling what the passage was about. If we have prayer requests or other thoughts, we can include those in the Morning Reflections email, too. It's a simple, private thing. But, what this little group has done for me is huge.
I have always read my Bible and had my quiet time with God but, not necessarily every day like I should. Once we started this group and I made the commitment to be a part of

It's not so much that I don't want the other gals to think I'm not doing's more that I don't want to let them down. It is for MY benefit that I am a part of the Morning Reflections group and I am glad that I decided so long ago to be a part of it. I almost didn't. I wasn't sure I wanted to 'have' to do an email every morning. I was afraid that it would be a huge hassle. I am a very busy person and I didn't want to add any more stuff to my already swamped days! But, I finally decided to 'give it a try' for a bit and see how it went. Well, it went. I am so glad that God gave the idea to Jenifer, of Sweet Blessings, the idea for this group.
I encourage you to find an accountability partner or group of partners with which you can share. It could be an email group like ours or a physical Bible study group or it could simply be a couple of neighbors that get together. It doesn't matter how many or how you meet or even if you meet physically...what does matter is that you find someone to whom you can be accountable. Perhaps you struggle with your daily time with God like I did. This might be a great way to get you over that hurdle so that you have daily time with Him. Perhaps you just need someone to bounce things off. An accountability partner will be there for you. An accountability partner doesn't need to be your best friend. In fact, sometimes, not being your best friend might be better. Pray and ask God what He would like you to do regarding an accountability partner. I definitely think it is important. It certainly changed my daily time with God! I am so thankful for my little group of accountability partners!
Have a great day and be accountable to someone...
Great post! I LOVE our Morning Reflections group. It has really encouraged me to stay on task. At the time this group had started I was doing good with my quiet times Monday through Friday but I slacked off on the weekends. This group has encouraged me to spend time with God seven days a week mot just five.
ReplyDeleteI love our group too! Not only has it encouraged me to read the Bible everyday, but it has challenged me to go deeper in the Word. I need to know and understand what I am reading so I can share it in my reflection.