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We could learn a lot from our kids. I have two toddlers. Abbie is 3 and Shayne is 2. I can see God so clearly working on my family through them. Teaching and guiding.
When my daughter asks for a hug or kiss or even a cup of water, she just asks. She doesn't care what I'm doing at that second. She knows I will stop whatever I'm doing to focus on her and her needs.
Our Heavenly father tells us whatever we ask for according to His good and perfect will, will be given to us.
When my son wants to cuddle instead of play, when he just wants to curl up on my lap. He knows I will welcome him with open arms no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing.
Our Heavenly father tells us we can take refuge in Him. He is our protector. If we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us.
When my kids fall and scrape their knee, they come running to my husband or I to make it all better. Whether it be a kiss or a bandade, I will do my best to make the hurt go away.
Our Heavenly father NEVER brings pain and suffering. He WANTS us to live and thrive and be happy. We live in a fallen world so sometimes hurt happens. When the world hurts us or when we are sick and need healing. He will take our pain away in His perfect timing and for His glory. We only have to ask and then trust.
My kids love the song Jesus Loves Me. They sing it all the time and beg me to sing it with them at the top of thier lungs heart abandoned, just singing to Jesus. My daughter asks, begs almost, to go see Jesus at Jesus's house daily. (I had to tell her we were going to Jesus's house one Sunday morning so she would get up and get dressed for me, and she's never forgotten it)
We should sing to Jesus, hearts abandoned as loud as we can and not care what the world thinks because the truth is, He does love us, and He wants us to come to His house.
He called a little child to Him and said "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:2-4

ReplyDeleteThis is such a truth. God is our Father and wants us to come to Him as our children come to us. He wants us to trust in Him as our children trust in us. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI want that kind of faith - faith like a child, running into my Daddy's arms.
ReplyDeleteThere's so much truth to this. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI love this. I always feel like I am asking to much. Yet lately its just been the same thing. I know I need to trust with abandon and I will continue to work on that. Each day I watch my son he teaches me that I can live a little like he does always trusting and running into his fathers arms. So grateful for him. Thank you for the reminders!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post! Thanks for such a great reminder of our Heavenly Father's love for us. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteLove that faith, thanks for this reminder :)