Everything you do while married is a “Team Sport”, whether there’s obvious direct involvement by your spouse or not. Marriage is a partnership, so no matter what you do while a member of that union the other person is in some way involved or affected; Always take them into account when making decisions, period.
Keeping secrets from your spouse is a bad idea, and will eventually lead to trust issues. This is a big one, and actually goes back to my first point. Hiding things in your marriage not only erodes the foundation of trust that’s necessary to get through difficult times, but builds resentment over time as things come to the surface.
Never miss the opportunity to show your partner how much you care. Little things go a long way, whether it’s a text message in the middle of the day to let them know you’re thinking of them, or showing up at their office with flowers for no special reason; it’s the “out of the box” displays of affection that linger in their memory.
Intimacy is important. While this may seem obvious, it gets very easy in the course of the hectic lives we all seem to lead to put “quiet time” with our spouse on the back burner. One of the best ways to stay connected with each other emotionally is to make time on a very regular basis to spend reveling in each other’s presence.
It’s all about balance. In every relationship there are periods where the burdens fall much heavier on one partner than the other. Instead of dwelling on the added load we’re put under and being resentful, we need to place our strength behind the union as a whole and support our spouse with all we have.
Count your Blessings together regularly. There are days where the stress, anxieties and fears in our lives just seem to be completely overwhelming. Focusing on the amazing Blessings God has bestowed on us all, and most especially on the wondrous gift of our Ordained Union as man and wife helps to put all those other trials in proper perspective.
Pray for each other, and glorify God by being the best husband/wife you can be. Marriage is something God designed and blessed us with, and by making that partnership one of our highest priorities we in effect praise God's Gifts while emboldening our union at the same time.
These points are so very important for a successful marriage. I encourage you to put them into practice. Print them out, pray over them, if possible share them with your spouse as a commitment to work on them together. Marriage takes work. But that work can lead to a wondrous and Godly marriage.
Sweet Blessings~

Please check out Phather Phil for more encouragement!
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